How to Maintain Your Passion and Interest For Blogging

It can be said a human nature “People start any work with Passion and interest but their Passion and interest not stay longer”. 


There are several reasons such as Lack of patience, lack of continuity, lack of Goal and confidence, wrong track, work without interest, negative thought and many more things.

Blogging is one of the best examples that takes a test of all these facts. If you are able to pass these tests then you can run the rash of blogging. We all are very well known that Blogging career is very interesting, full with fun and freedom, but not an easy and comfortable journey. But if you are passionate for blogging then it is very easy to travel freely. 

Lao-tzu (a Chinese philosopher) has said “The journey to a thousand miles begins with a single step”.

It has been seen many times that some people start the journey of blogging but at the middle of the journey they becomes addicted by frustration. Usually, in this situation they have reasons like: I don’t have time to Blog, I am not seeing any Improvement, No one is reading my Blog, I don’t know to write about. 

How to Maintain Your Passion and Interest For Blogging

It has been a common problem of all new Blogger, and so I have decided to share this article with all of you. Some useful tips and tricks are mentioned below that suggests you to maintain Your Passion and interest For Blogging. I assure you, after implementing these tips and tricks you will be inspire and will feel confidence inside yourself.

(1) Read Inspirational Blogs/Books:
We all have listen many time that “Books are the real friend of Human”, because it helps peoples in all situations. So, you should read inspirational books. It will not only boost your passion for blogging, but also the passion for anything that you want to do. 

If you are feeling depressed or frustrated then inspirational books will be helpful for you. If you like to spend your time on internet then you should read Blogs. Some Blogs are available there that can inspire you and increase your interest.

(2) Follow Popular Blogs and Bloggers:
All the Top Blogs and bloggers that are popular and earning much money now in these days because of only their determination and passion. Top bloggers also starts their blogs like all the blogger, but they achieve top position by their passion, interest and labor. 

I am suggesting you to follow Popular Blogs and bloggers because they share their income reports and their blogging journey which will be also helpful to increase your passion for blogging. They also share the difficulty and their solution that they have faced during the journey of blogging. Check out the List of popular Blogs and bloggers from India.

(3) Share Post Consistently:
Continuity is one of the most important factors in the field of blogging. So, don’t give your blog a break. Share post consistently on your blog, even if there’s no interest and passion.  I know it’s difficult, but try to force yourself into keep this continuity. 

It doesn't matter your blog is gaining traffic and people attention or not. (Your blog will surely gain both if you work hard for it). Always remember one thing “Never give up”, and one day will come when you will share your income report and blogging journey.

(4) Imagine the Future:
Imagine the future! I mean where you want to see your blog after few month or few year. You will not believe but your dream will also inspire you to work hard. 

John Lennon (A great English musician, singer) says “You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us. And the world will live as one.”  So, try to avoid all the distraction and focus on your work.

Some Basic and Inspiring Ways to Blog with Passion
  • Selection of right track
  • Believe in your ability
  • Fix your goal
  • Work with interest
  • Follow great thoughts
  • Avoid negative thought
  • Encourage yourself and also others
  • Keep originality
  • Be fearless to take risks
  • Be confident, but not overconfident
  • Use your time in a right way
  • Teach others and also learn from others
  • Share your success with readers and fellow bloggers
By following these above mentioned tips and tricks you will not only increase your passion or interest for blogging but these tips will make you a popular blogger also. Feel free to share your memorable experience with us if you have ever lost your interest and passion for blogging due to any reasons. we will appreciate your view.

If you wish to get more useful Blogging tips,  How to Blog tips, Tips and tricks, latest updates then check out our  Blogging Tips section. or see below mentioned

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