Tips and Tricks to Speed Up Your Website Load Time

After applying various methods like writing Long & Quality content, adding SEO techniques, promoting your website, submitting your website on top search engines and implementing countless money making ideas you are not getting good improvement in your website traffic and website revenue then surely your website loading time is very slow.

So, in this article I am going to show you some mind-Blowing Tips and Tricks to Speed up Your Website Load Time via below mentioned Infographic. All credit goes to for this helpful Infographic.

Speed Up Your Website Load Time

I hope, you know very well that website speed or load time matters too much in these days. Even few month back Google has already mentioned that it prefers to reward fast loading website or Blog with higher positions.

All the Bloggers or webmasters always try to Speed Up their Website Load Time as much as they can, because they want to provide quick and very smooth experience to their Website’s readers/users.

But most of the Bloggers or webmasters are still unknown from the facts of Speed up Website Load Time. There are so many reasons available for - why a website may load slowly, few important of them are cookies, content, server, CSS, JavaScript, etc.

You should know that website load time completely depends on your server host and HTTP requests. So, firstly you should find the best Server host for your website or Blog with Gzip compression to minimize the size of browser-based HTTP responses perfectly. And then you should make some great changes on your server to effectively improve the performance of your website such as:
  • Optimize images
  • Avoid CSS Expressions
  • Make JavaScript and CSS External
  • Use CDN networks
You must follow these useful instructions to speed up your website Load Time. Here’s how;

Tips and Tricks to Speed Up Your Website Load Time

I hope you enjoyed this informative Infographic. Follow these above mentioned tips and tricks on your Blog or Website and see the improvement.

Looking for more Blogging Tips and Tricks, latest updates then check out our How to Blog section. Please share your view with us through comments. Your comments will be always appreciated here.

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